Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  1. Is the data that I uploaded kept confidential?
  2. What types of data does NetworkAnalyst accept?
  3. How to prepare network files for NetworkAnalyst?
  1. Is the data that I uploaded kept confidential?

    Yes. The data files you upload for analysis as well as any analysis results, are not downloaded or examined in any way by the administrators, unless required for system maintenance and troubleshooting. All files will be deleted automatically after 72 hours, and no archives or backups are kept unless you have registered an account and saved the analysis. You are advised to download your results immediately after performing an analysis.

  2. What types of data does NetworkAnalyst accept?

    NetworkAnalyst accepts data from 17 species, in the following formats:

    1. List(s) of genes or proteins: one or more lists of gene or protein IDs with optional expression profiles (i.e. fold changes). Each gene should be in a row. Please refer to our example data for more details.
    2. Network file: users can upload network files generated with a different software to perform network visualization in NetworkAnalyst. More details on network file formats are provided in the corresponding questions below.
  3. How to prepare network files for NetworkAnalyst?

    NetworkAnalyst support four different types of files (.sif, .txt(edge list), .graphml and .json).
    Please click on the following links to see example files supported: